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Collaborative Meetings

Collaborative Meetings

Since many teams work together to make the website come to life, your Project Manager will facilitate collaborative meetings in a nice cadence to help keep all stakeholders on track.


Regular Scheduling

  • Establish a regular cadence for meetings.
  • Meeting invites are sent well in advance.
  • Clear and concise agenda for each meeting.


Diverse Participation

  • Encourage participation from all stakeholders.
  • Internal and external team collaboration.
  • Seeking feedback and suggestions.

action items

Action Items & Follow-up

  • Assign responsibilities and deadlines for follow-up tasks.
  • Providing updates and resources.
  • Ensure the Project is moving forward at a reasonable pace.

Meet the Team

Our quality assurance specialist meticulously ensures that every aspect of our projects meets and exceeds industry standards, guaranteeing exceptional results for our clients.



Website Content

Our Teams will sync up to help create a plan to move forward with the new site. 
We’ll discuss elements such as

  • Site Map & Navigation
  • Content Migration
  • Flow of Homepages

Design Theme

Our teams will meet to discuss the design theme and any updates that need to be made.

Common Design Topics: 

  • Themes & Templates
  • Homepage Content
  • Additional Header Links

Quality Review

Our team will conduct a thorough review of your site before the scheduled launch date. We’ll share our findings and work together to tie up any loose ends. 

Common Findings: 

  • Hyperlink Issues
  • ADA Compliance Alerts
  • Navigation & Call to Action Buttons

Question & Answers

We’ll offer a Q&A meeting to help address any outlying questions after the walkthrough and training.

Common Topics: 

  • Landing Pages or Section Homepages
  • Creating Custom Content
  • Directory Groups